(570) 871-3930 jen@jencasper.com

Images of Greatness

There are people we remember.  Do we remember them for their ideas, their determination, or their face?  I remember a person because they do what others said could not be done, they create what is in their head and make it come ALIVE.  I remember a person for their...

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Now, when a Hawk shows up it means… “You are caught up in too many details, so step back so you can get a greater perspective on the situation. Stay alert and focused on the task before you, eliminating as many distractions as possible. Spend some time observing and...

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“Some say that with me I am able to see beyond the crowd and beyond the chaos.”  When a Giraffe shows up in your life, know that he is helping you to see upward and beyond what is right there.  Giraffe is able to see beyond what is currently your present.  He is able...

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From Up Here

From Up here, things look easy. They look like we can just jump over the mountains. Heck! These mountains look like play dough! We can just step on them. When we look at our problems from above all is well and will be done just fine. When we are down “there” in the...

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If you see a Dragonfly: Be on the lookout for any falsehoods, deceit, or illusions that are clouding a current situation or relationship. You are being entirely too rational about something and really need to tap in to your deeper emotions, whatever they may be. This...

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“Within each breath you take, know that you will find the answers you see with clarity of the heart and vision.”  When a Dolphin swims into your life, there is a message that we sometimes take for granted.  Communication is key, but listening is also a form of...

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The Bear….Bear is ALWAYS a good sign and a special power. He represents wisdom, insight, introspection, protection and healing. If you see a Bear while hiking in the woods or along the river, than you know that a very sacred place is nearby and that the spirits of...

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Eagles are always very special and good signs. They represent protection, wealth, wisdom, foresight, strength, and spirituality. If one or more should approach while you are praying or performing a ceremony, then you know your prayers will be answered. If you see one...

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Deer are good powers and can be messengers in many ways. They can be our eyes and ears if we acquire their power. They can tell us what is up ahead on the road while we are traveling, help us see into the future via dreams and meditation, and remind us that we should...

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What we perceive to be real, may not be as real as we consider. Know that within each of us, we rely on memories from the past. If you change your perception of what you believe, new ideas and new experiences will emerge. It is when we are fearful that we are unable...

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