Signs are everywhere

Are you seeing the signs being given to you?  As you drive down the road today, you shall see signs telling you how fast you should travel, signs showing you to stop, to turn, to approach at a hesitant pace.  In life, there are signs like this as well.  There are signs telling us we are on the right path or we have detoured.  We usually don’t pay enough attention to these.  We are too busy running other people’s lives and trying to get through today.  Take a moment.  Stop where you are and look up.  What do you see?  Do you the sun?  Do you feel the love that is being shined down upon you?  Or, do you feel the rain?  Wet on your face, soaking you to the bone.  When was the last time your bare feet felt the sand, the grass or even the gravel?  When we can take a break from every day life and experience what it is like to see the world through the eyes of a child, to see the city we live in as if we have never been here before, you will come to notice the difference in how things have changed and how you are responding to those changes.  Before you get so caught up in the every day, chaos of life begin to breathe more.  Reach within your soul and listen to where you are supposed to be.  Happiness is not something is created through drugs or another person, but rather through being in alignment with your hearts desire.  Listen to what your soul desires…not the neighbors, your parents, or a friend.  What do you see when you look in the mirror?  Study what is before you.  Open your eyes to the signs that are before you.