Card of the Week for May 10 -16, 2015

When this card arrives and you are drawn to it, there are many possible reasons for your attraction.  You could be expecting a child in your life.  It does not have to be YOU are giving birth to a child, but rather a new child is entering your life.  You could be birthing a new idea, situation, experience, a new creation of sorts.  What is brewing within you is about to manifest into something tangible. Be ready to experience huge shifts at this time.  Child coming into your experience is also about growth.  You could be growing spiritually, emotionally, professionally, individually, familywise.  This growth is necessary and the changes you are about to experience will shift you.  Some will come read this and wonder, “None of this makes any sense to me.  Why am I here and drawn to this card?”  It could be this is a tap on the shoulder to watch.  Be patient and watch from an observation position instead of an active position.  Find curiosity more appealing than having all the answers.  This is a time of childlike wonder.  Maybe you stumble upon a new experience that allows you to be more childlike, more creative, more tolerant.  When child appears to you, it is a time without expectations, without desires, without worry.  This is a time to just be.  Your inner child may desire to come out and play.  Now is the time to take off the suit and tie, the tight structure and relax.  Find more time to be you

When was the last time you played?  Played for fun?  If you are having trouble, contact Jen at (570) 871-3930 or at je*@je*******.com to schedule an appointment.  Jen can help you discover more about what this card is asking from you.  Child is multidimensional in the meaning.  Sometimes we have trouble seeing clearly the meaning behind the message.  If this applies to you, allow Jen to help you!