Forgiving another person

Forgiving another person is one of the most emotional things I have learned how to do. Everyone has been hurt by another and the way to releasing the hurt is to forgive. How do we forgive someone who has hurt us, when our heart is breaking? Forgiveness is a way of releasing the hurt, the anger, the negative emotion that eats at us. Forgiving releases the need to be right or wrong. To release the hurt, you need to desire to heal. Recently, a person I loved wanted more from me than I was willing to give. I had to release the person so they could learn the lessons this life was to teach them, but I also had to do this so that I could continue to move forward with my life. I was able to let this person go by forgiving them. I forgave myself for not listening to my intuition, for not doing something sooner, and I loved myself enough to forgive them completely and forgiving myself. I am my own worst enemy when it comes to hurting. I blame myself for not working harder, for not trying more, for not seeing what was right before me. I was hurt badly to the point my heart felt like it was leaking hurt instead of beating blood.
The best way to forgive is to acknowledge the pain you are feeling. I acknowledged I was hurting. I knew I had two choices, continue to feel the pain or do something constructive to move forward from the pain. I had to forgive. I had to release myself from the constraints I was holding myself to. Release. I needed to release the pain and the emotion. The best way to do this is through tears, talking it out and seeing things for what they are, not what I imagined them to be. Through soul searching, I realized I saw signs very early on this was not the place for me. I also saw how I tried to make things right. I also realized I was trying to make something work that was against my life path.
Forgiving of another person begins with you and ends with you. It is for your benefit not theirs. It is about moving forward on a new and better pathway that does not allow the hurt to continue. To forgive another you can say a prayer, you can speak to the person or just release the emotion. Heal the heart through time. By meditating, you can ask the angels to come to your aide and heal your heart. Ask Archangel Michael to cut your chords.
Today, I am better because I forgave another. I released the negative emotions and the hurt. I was able to move forward accepting the lessons I learned, loving myself enough not to tolerate what was against my acceptable tolerances. I hope you are able to forgive another as well. If you need assistance in helping yourself forgive another, please contact me at 570-871-3930 or visit my website at