Love in the Moonlight

As the day gives away to yet another night of possibilities, we need to remember tomorrow is still able to be grasped.  Just as the water takes away our footprints of the day, we are able to make new decisions and new choices and put forth more effort to change what...


Where does your love come from?  Where do you find the place to love in abundance?  Have you ever loved someone that it just hurt?  Love is amazing and it can cure what ails you, it can help relieve tension and stress.  Know that within you is the ability to discover...

Life Purpose

Two age old questions are “Why am I here?” and “What is my life purpose?”  There are as many answers to these questions as there are people who ask them.  It is important to understand your life purpose; when you know that purpose, you can move forward in a clear path...

Images of Greatness

There are people we remember.  Do we remember them for their ideas, their determination, or their face?  I remember a person because they do what others said could not be done, they create what is in their head and make it come ALIVE.  I remember a person for their...


Now, when a Hawk shows up it means… “You are caught up in too many details, so step back so you can get a greater perspective on the situation. Stay alert and focused on the task before you, eliminating as many distractions as possible. Spend some time observing and...