Animal Spirit Guide EAGLE

Eagles are always very special and good signs. They represent protection, wealth, wisdom, foresight, strength, and spirituality. If one or more should approach while you are praying or performing a ceremony, then you know your prayers will be answered. If you see one sitting on a tree, on a telephone pole, or alongside the road, know that you will be encountering a spiritual person up ahead. Sometimes Bald Eagles are sent to us to make sure we are okay. Bald eagles bring our prayers to God. When an Eagle shows up it means there is an opportunity for you that you are considering, and it would be best if you take advantage of it soon! There will be a new beginning in a positive direction following a recent period of strife, one in which you have gained a great deal of stamina and resilience. Detach and rise above the mundane so that you are able to see your life and circumstances with a broader perspective and greater vision. It is time for a great spiritual awakening, one where you experience a greater connection to the divine. This is an important time to get creative inspiration from the Divine, so heed any guidance you receive. Whatever you put out, positive or negative, will now return to you in some form, more quickly than ever. You have an increasing ability to walk between the material world and that of Spirit. Dive into your inner depths, paying close attention to any visions or inspiration that arise.