
Bobcats are bad signs.  To see one means you re being stalked, physically or spiritually, but an enemy.  On the other hand, Bobcats are good hunters and protectors.  Their power and medicine can be used for good luck and skill in hunting, or for protection against other powers and people.  Bobcats show up in our lives when one of your tasks right now is to learn to live alone without feeling lonely.  This is a time to be vigilant, remaining simultaneously as alert and relaxed as you can be, with all your senses available as needed.  You will find that you’re much better at discerning what lurks behind the persona that someone presents.  If something doesn’t feel right, trust your instincts rather than what others are telling or showing you.  Be careful at this time about what you share with someone else, even in confidence, as there is some risk that it will be passed on to others and either distorted or blown way out of proportion.