Spiritual teacher

Our card of the day is Spiritual Teacher.  Are you looking for your true soul purpose?  Are you working towards reaching your highest potential?  This card is guiding you towards becoming your true self through teaching.  Being a teacher is giving advice, guiding others to their highest good and potential.  It is about counseling others and showing them they can be more.  Doing what your soul was scripted to do allows you to love your job, love your career, love being able to be of service to others.  When you begin a new journey, it can be daunting and scary.  Being a Spiritual Teacher allows you to teach others how to gain the confidence they need.  You will draw towards you the confidence you need to move forward by helping others achieve their goals.  You were where they are.  You survived!  We all draw into our lives people who are head of us on our journey and we are drawn to others who have yet to reach our potential.  We teach, but we also learn.  Stay open to learn more about yourself and others.