Card of the week ~ May 29 – June 5

“I step into my power
boldly and confidently.”
You have been gathering your inner forces and are coming into your own strength. Assume your power. Accept the vibrant truth that all of you need is already within you. It is safe to own your deepest inner gifts.
If you have given away your authority to someone or something else, now is your chance to reclaim it. Pulling this card indicates that it is time to stand in your own light. If you are holding on to any beliefs that you won’t be liked or will be rejected if you step into your potential, let them go! The more you shine in your own radiance, the more others can see the glow of their own capability. Your strength can heal others and bring light into the hearts of many.
Very often we give away our thoughts, our actions, and our desires to another to fill. Even more often, this person either takes advantage of us or doesn’t do anything with it. Today is the time to take back what is yours. Fulfill your own desires, wants, needs and keep your mindset as your own. Empower yourself with positive thoughts of what you want to do. Embrace the fact that you are able to do whatever it is you can dream. The Universe will provide you with all the answers, the tools, and the confidence if you allow yourself to be who you were meant to be. We each have soul path and plan to follow. Are you following yours or are you living another’s dream? Own who you are. Be proud of who you are! Look yourself in the mirror and tell yourself how proud of you YOU are! Mean it and know that TODAY is the day that you become your own person!