Card of the Week for April 19 – 25, 2015
“Dearest Archangel Raphael, thank you for your comforting reassurance about this situation. ”
Archangel Raphael is offering you inside information concerning the health situation you are inquiring about. He wants you to know that your prayers and healthful actions are working, so stay on this positive path. It may be some time before the improvements are visible or palpable – in the meantime, please remain optimistic and continue taking positive lifestyle actions.
If you are a healer, this card symbolizes that you are on the right path. The changes you have been recently contemplating are indeed guidance from Archangel Raphael, who assists with healing work. He is with you every step of the way on your healing journey.
The past two weeks have been about discovering more about YOU health-wise. You were asked to be more aware of the allergens in your body and what where you taking in that was affecting your body. Then you were asked to be conscious about your intuitive feelings. You were encouraged to call upon your higher self and Archangel Raphael to help you as you are never alone. This week, congratulations! Your hard work has paid off! A healthy solution is nearby. A healthy improvement is beginning. The work you did internally are beginning to pay off. Do you feel the shift?
This card is advising your prayers have been heard, answered, and the solution (possibly not the one you are thinking of!) is on its way to happen. The best way to allow for this to begin to change your life is to allow. This means let go. Be active and follow your intuitive voice and suggestions, but let go of trying to script the outcome. This is not what you are supposed to do. You ask, then receive. Be active in the suggestions given to you and know what is truly divinely given and not ego.
If you need assistance in any way to receive or to accept this outcome, please contact Jen Casper at (570) 871-3930 or at je*@je*******.com to schedule a personal appointment!