Card of the Week for January 11-17, 2015

Goddess of the Moon

This card is a sign of inspiration and intuition, the ability to receive insights from your soul’s point of view.  Being drawn to this card at this week let you know you have the power to get intuitive information of all types of issues, and now is the time to use it!

The Goddess of the Moon brings you all sorts of information, from the mundane to the spectacular.  For instance, you could get the urge to take a different route home from work and find out later that you have avoided a three-hour traffic jam.  Or you may have an idea for a great invention, a stock investment, or a spellbinding novel.  This card could also indicate a significant blossoming of psychic ability and mediumship – even on a professional level.

You have always been blessed with this ability to connect, but this card is telling you that now is the perfect time to open up.  Get ready for the amazing inspiration this brings!