“Everything has a time and a place.”
We take for granted that God has a plan for us. We try to push things, get things done, move faster than the clock. Everything happens in a Divine Order that is beyond our comprehension. We attract what we need, we bring towards us the experiences we need in order to learn the lessons we are to adhere to, and we meet new people in order to teach them and learn from them. “Everything has a time and a place.” Soul mates, babies, employment, money, everything is received in a timely manner that is beyond ours. You can’t rush it. What you can do, is appreciate the moment you are in. Appreciate the good, the bad, the trying, the overwhelming moments. Appreciate them for they have value. They are so valuable, and yet we want to rush the time we have with them. When a person is taking their last breaths, they don’t wish to have more time to rush. Instead, they desire to have more time to do things they rushed through. Falling in love, the first kiss, seeing their children grow up, touching the hand of someone they love. There is a time and a place for things to happen. There is a place for happiness, sadness, excitement, joy, anger, and fear. Embrace having more time for the wonderful emotions and create less time for the not so pleasant experiences.