Candle of Light

We perceive life from the view point of “right now.” We perceive life with an attitude we need to act right now. Have you considered that even though it is great to plan for your future, do you realize you don’t have all the information the future holds? We make choices based on today’s information. When we purchase houses, we get loans for 30 years. Do you know where you are going to be in 30 years? What about a car loan for 6 years? Will you still be employed in 6 years? How can you plan something so far in advance when you don’t have the information required for then? Look at the information you have today and make the decision based on that information. Don’t worry about what tomorrow will bring. When tomorrow gets here it will be your today and you can make those decisions then. Breathe and enjoy the moment. Enjoy where you are and who you are. Worry less and love more!