Release the Need For Control

We each reach a point where we need to closure.  Sometimes we need to close out a friendship, we need to end the relationship of a lover, or we just need to leave a post where we served a purpose.  Sometimes we are the ones doing the ending, other times we are on the receiving end.  When we are the one choosing to end, to close the gap, it appears easier.  It appears as if we are in control of the situation.  It appears as if we are ready to do this.  In truth, we are just letting go.  We are learning the lesson that we need to let go in order to receive.  We need to make room for what is needed.  When we hold on to what is not necessary in our lives, we are prohibiting life to give us what we truly need.

When we are on the end of the chord cutting, we don’t normally expect it.  The chord is cut and we are left hanging.  We feel all is well and then BAM!  The chord is severed without notice.  We wonder, we mourn, we brew, we contemplate, we get angry, we get sad, we just don’t understand.

Closure helps us let go.  It helps us see that by letting go, by releasing our attachment, we are able to bring into our experience a truth, a vision, something greater than what we had.  When we are able to learn that when we release, we are renewing ourselves, our visions, our memories.

Embrace the thought of release.  Each day we have the ability to let go.  Let go of old ideas, of old images, of old belief systems, and things that no longer serve our latest purposes.