
When a meadowlark appears in your experience, there is good news on the horizon for you.  This bird filled with black and white information is showing you that now is the time to quest in Nature.  Get your feet on the ground as it is time for you to embrace the new journey you are about to embark on.  Too often we fear the unknown and so we stop moving forward.  Meadowlark is advising you that fear is not necessary and it is not welcome in your life today.  You need to start moving forward or begin again as you have stopped moving on the path of your greatness.  Meadowlark is soaring as soon you will be!  Sing out loud at the top of your lungs!  It is time for your song to be heard.  What you have to say will be heard.  Doors, opportunities, experiences, pathways to a new beginning is about to happen.  Are you ready?  You were created to be brave, full of inspiration and strong.  The projects and ideas you have been holding onto are about to manifest!  Get ready as life is about to get very interesting for you!