
What is no longer useful to you right now?  When an Ostrich begins appearing, it tells you to get clarity on the situation before you.  You need to let go of what is no longer fitting and release.  Release what no longer serves you.  From friends, possessions, thought processes and other ideals, look at who you are and what you desire to become.  right now you are trying to hold on to things that don’t make sense.  You are looking too deeply into what used to be.  You are trying to hold sand in your hand and yet it keeps running out.  Why waste the energy to hold onto what no longer serves your experience?  Open your mind, heart and soul to what can be and what should be.  When this space is open, you shall see newness in your experience.  The newness will be new friends who are in alignment with your new ideals, desires, wants, and thought processes.  The new things you acquire will better fit your lifestyle and your empowerment.  What do you hunger for?  What knowledge do you crave?  It is time to begin searching for what is the real you and who you desire to become.