Animal Spirit Guide OWL

When an owl shows up or greets you, it is telling you to meditate in silence and in darkness for you to be able to see clearer.  This owl is showing you that in order to appreciate where you have come from you need to look to the future.  What do you see?  What is inspiring you at this moment.  Look in ALL directions, not just forward.  Be alert for deception that may be laced with good intentions.  This could be your good intentions or the “good” intentions of another.  It is time to take flight and spread your wings.  Your intuition is working.  Trust it.  Walk on the side of scary.  Keep yourself true by listening each time you come up with a thought.  Ponder for shorter periods of time.  Consider now to be the time to fly and soar.  Watch and listen for what others are saying.  Learn from them and move forward with your desires.