Memory is not what it used to be

Our past memories are like flower petals left on the floor.  We choose how to remember how things looked.  We choose to remember the times we had, the places we visited.  We choose to remember and recreate a scene.  Just because a memory appears before you, it does not mean that you need to relive that part of your life.  Past experiences create us and help us grow.  We release what we don’t need any longer, we embrace the lessons we learned, we leave behind the legacy for others to embrace.  Allow the petals to stay on the ground.  Don’t put them back to form a flower that has long since wilted.  Remember the flower as it was, strong and beautiful in its time.  Then continue on the path of your journey.  Those petals are not meant to be relived.  Instead, there are other roses, other flowers for you to admire and touch.  There are other memories to create and experience.  Each petal you leave behind serves the purpose for another to be reminded of just how beautiful life can be and should be.  Remain an energy force that moves forward, not stand still to be living in the past.