The ocean holds secrets

Change is like the ocean waves.  It comes crashing into us when we least expect it.  We leave footprints on this earth and no matter how hard we try, it takes loving life to appreciate what we leave behind.  Life changes the rules.  There is no rule book and we are not given the answers right away to our issues, concerns, or problems.  It is something we need to live through.  As the waves crash upon the beach with a rhythm only God could orchestrate, we are able to recreate our lives through thought, word, and action.  We have views that change daily.  We have the perceptions we created in this lifetime to help us move forward.  The changes we experience have telltale signs before they happen.  We just need to pay attention to the storm clouds before the rain hits.  As the ocean water clears out the sand and replaces it with newness, so can we if we choose.  Every day is an opportunity to do just that.  Making a good decision today, improves the future for tomorrow.  Very often, it is not until something dramatic, something heart wrenching happens that we take notice of where we have put ourselves.  We look around at unfamiliar faces, at a place we hardly know, and wonder ho we created such a life.  It is as if we had been sleeping for years and just awoke, wondering who was responsible for these choices.  Take a moment and consider where you are.  Are you happy?  Does it bring you joy?  Is your passion here?  Where is here, really?  Sometimes, we have to have a discussion with ourselves and really consider the choices we have made.  To be still like the ocean means that you are constantly moving in a forward direction, clearing out what does not belong and replacing it with better choices and decisions.  Be still enough in the deepness to appreciate what is you, but know that the closer to the shore you are the more movement you are going to have to make.