Animal Spirit Guide CROW

When a Crow crosses paths with you, he is telling you YOU are on the verge of manifesting something you’ve been working toward for a while.  Be very watchful over the next couple of days for any clear omens or signs that will guide you and teach you.  Expect big changes very soon.  Are you ready?  Get prepared as life is about to change as you know it.  You’ve noticed something that is out of balance or an injustice that has not been addressed, and it’s important to speak up about it.  You are about to glimpse into some future even that affects you directly. 

Life is about to get interesting.  Are you ready for it?  When you should call on Crow is when you feel as if someone is trying to trick you or con you.  Are you not sure of their actual position in this life?  You are faced with some significant changes in your life and need some help and guidance through this time.  Crow can help you with these transitions.  Your are feeling a strong creative surge and want support in developing, manifesting, creating a new reality, a new inspiration that has helped you.  You know that you have received spiritual guidance in the form of signs and omens, but are you sure you are getting the proper message?  Navigating through a rather treacherous path in a project or relationship and you need security?  By calling on Crow, he will help you through this by looking ahead and if you listen closely he will advise you of the pitfalls that may be ahead.