To see without light

At night, we rely on our other senses to get us through.  We don’t trust what our eyes are telling us so we chose to listen closer, smell the wind, and touch the darkness before us.  When we are in the darkness, we walk slow.  We inch our way to a space that feels more confident.  We wait and are anxious.  It is not meant for us to be fearful.  It is meant for us to use all of our senses.  Tonight as you dream, consider what you are running away from or are you running towards something.  Consider what is it you wish to see only at night when the shadows play their tricks.  We each have something deep within us that yearns for the light.  Too often though we chose to see it only in the darkness.  Our heart is not meant to be in the darkness.  We are not nocturnal.  We thrive in life when the sun is high and our Spirit can feel the sunshine.  Walk out of the darkness, into the light.  Embrace the joy and happiness that is.  There are others who you can count on if you just trust.  To have faith is to believe in the unseen.  You shall see if you just believe.  To believe is to give substance to something you can only feel but do not see.