When the mountain looks in the mirror, what does it see?

Just as the mountain looks upon itself in the reflection of the lake, so do we assume what others tell us to be true of ourselves.  When we hear what others feel is the truth of ourselves, we bring that into our existence.  We feel what they believe to be true.  In honesty, it is all an illusion.  The truth remains that we create what we feel within.  It is our true feelings that shine.  When we feel beauty, we vibrate at an energy level of such and others are attracted to such.  When we are confident, when we are brave, when we are courageous, we act and are believed to be such.  When another sees this positive attribute and feels you should be knocked down a peg or two, they begin to tell you of such.  The true confident will not believe what is truly known.  Too often, the Ego takes over and begins to believe what is around them to be true.  What is true for the masses, is not necessarily true to those who believe of greater for themselves.  Look within the mirror.  See the true self that is you.  What stories are you telling yourself and what stories are best left unbelieved?  What one feels is true about themselves is the truth.  No one can change this except for YOU.  Look into your mirror of life and know that YOU are all that you BELIEVE.  Know that within is greatness.  You are apart of the Divine.  You have all the tools you need.  What you think is what is created.  Have faith in a power that is beyond our comprehension, but rather that is apart of you.  Believe in oneself.  Believe in the power of LOVE.  Love for you, love for others.  In this, it is one of the greatest gifts God gave to us…LOVE.