Change happens when we are ready

While walking through life we meet so many different people.  By accident one would say, by chance another would interject.  Fate may also play a part.  No matter how you meet them, it is what happens when they enter that is important.  A person may come into your life to change your perspective, change your path, alter you forever.  It is the footprints they leave behind that we don’t begin to appreciate until after they have left our lives.  The memories, the activities, the effects they change in our lives that make us appreciate them even the more.  Too often we get caught up the details, the emotions, the fluff of what is going on.  We forget to appreciate the smiles, the laughter, the holding of hands.  The small moments, the innocence we share.  Our pathways intersect others when we least expect them.  We are not forewarned, nor prepared.  We just wake up one day and before we can blink, they are before us.  We have the opportunity to touch them, they have the ability to change us.  It is when we look at how closely the chance encounter was almost missed that we appreciate how Divine the timing has to be.  The next person you meet, the next person you have the opportunity to include into your life, take a moment and release the need to control, release the desire to force things, and embrace what opportunities may come from taking a chance.  Be open to appreciate the smile, the touch, the love that can be shared if you only give it a chance.