The Forest in between the Trees

As we walk through life, it is like walking through a forest.  We may think we know where we are going, we may even believe we know what we shall witness and see.  Too often, like the forest, life holds its own surprises.  We see bears, we see birds.  We hear noises...

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Hope. Where do you discover it?

There is always hope.  There is hope within us that what we desire is within reach.  Sometimes we look to others to help us.  Other times we read, write, experience.  When you lose hope, you lose the ability to see what God has given you.  Have faith your prayers will...

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Are You Seeing The Signs?

Are you seeing the signs being given to you?  As you drive down the road today, you shall see signs telling you how fast you should travel, signs showing you to stop, to turn, to approach at a hesitant pace.  In life, there are signs like this as well.  There are...

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When a Little Rain Falls

When a little rain falls in our lives we can either dance in it and experience the cleansing effect it has or we can shy away from it.  When we shy away from the rain, we lose out on the lesson that is being given to us.  We don't learn to play with the Divine...

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The Broken Road

Our path sometimes seems so easy!  We can see the way, we are confident in our decisions and our path.  Then, some how our path appears to be over grown with weeds, or washed out.  We become discouraged.  We become disoriented.  It is in these times of chaos that we...

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When We Allow Others to Change Our Lives

While walking through life we meet so many different people.  By accident one would say, by chance another would interject.  Fate may also play a part.  No matter how you meet them, it is what happens when they enter that is important.  A person may come into your...

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Angels Looking in on Us

Too often we walk the path of life.  It is fast paced, always in a hurry.  We care more about business and the speed in which we make the money to spend to gain more business and more business contacts.  It is not until we are forced to pause, forced to take inventory...

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When We Least Expect Life To Change

Even when we feel we are alone, there is always someone watching over us making sure we continue on the path of life.  As we make choices, make friends, cry, laugh, smile, and pretend to know where we are going, life changes us.  Life alters our morals, ethics,...

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When Bee comes into your experience, it is time to get organized about your thoughts, your aspirations, and where you want to call home.  You have tasted the sweetness of many opportunities, but now is the time to get ready to begin the project you have been preparing...

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You are storing more than you should.  You are keeping things for a better time.  Now is the time to let go of what no longer fits you.  Feel the grass between your toes and get grounded.  The angels are guiding you and will maintain for you what you need.  Now is the...

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