
Deer are good powers and can be messengers in many ways. They can be our eyes and ears if we acquire their power. They can tell us what is up ahead on the road while we are traveling, help us see into the future via dreams and meditation, and remind us that we should...


When a Crow crosses paths with you, he is telling you YOU are on the verge of manifesting something you’ve been working toward for a while.  Be very watchful over the next couple of days for any clear omens or signs that will guide you and teach you.  Expect big...


When an owl shows up or greets you, it is telling you to meditate in silence and in darkness for you to be able to see clearer.  This owl is showing you that in order to appreciate where you have come from you need to look to the future.  What do you see?  What is...


When a Possum comes into our lives we need to ask ourselves “What are we trying to hide from?”  Are you trying to lay down and expect life or the situation to find you “playing dead” and leave?  It is moments like this that we need to stand up...