“You can get there from here.”

Faith in ourselves and faith in God helps us to get where we desire.  It is when we take our eyes off our goal that we lose the hope and faith we once had.  You can get there from here.  You can get anywhere from where you are at right now.  The choice is yours.  It is a weighted and full of potential type of choice.  It is a fertile egg that is waiting for you to crack it.  Even in the worse case scenarios, and these are the some of the best kinds!  You can get there from here.  You can get anywhere you desire from here.  Where you are right now is not your final resting place.  It is a breadcrumb, it is a lily pad, it is the stepping stone you needed for the moment.  It is not a final destination.  There is only the journey.  You can get there from here if you keep moving forward.  Rest for a moment and then keep moving on.  Love the moment you are there and then keep moving forward.  It is when you stop too long, rest too long, become disenchanted that you stop the momentum from continuing.  It is then you become frustrated, lose clarity and become stuck.  YOU CAN GET THERE FROM HERE!!  You can get anywhere you decide is the most important from where you are.  Now, get moving.  You can get there from here!