Climbing to the top of a Mountain

Imagine you are climbing to the top of a mountain to embrace a new view, to see things from a different angel. Once you reach the top of the mountain, you are so proud of yourself. All the sweat, tears, anguish, anticipation, desires, are considered well worth the climb to the top of the mountain. Climbing to the top of a mountain is like taking on something new. We sometimes drag our feet, complain about the changes we must endure, and we fight against it. Once we have completed the transformation, reached our summit of success, we are able to look back and appreciate all we have gone through.
There are times we go through so much change we want to enter into old comfort zones to feel complete. These old comfort zones are reminders of what we left behind. They are reminders we have changed and reached a new summit of success. Each climb to the top of a mountain results in new lessons learned, old habits released, and the ability to appreciate others in ways we did not originally understand. The transformation process can be lonely and not without losses. It is those losses that allow us to see the new light of opportunities. These new opportunities
There are times when tears will fall. Our hearts will feel empty and depleted. The tears are to cleanse our bodies of the clutter, the negative, the release of old perceptions and old thought processes. We are filled with an emptiness, a depletion of what was. There is a feeling of unsureness, feelings of lack. These feelings are valid but not negative. Rather they are allowing space to be created for what we truly need and desire which are healthy. When a car is dirty, unkept, inside and out, the dirt takes up space and allow no clean to shine through. Our inner light is dimmed. Our hopes are lessened. When we begin to process of letting go, releasing, purging, forgiveness, love begins to shine through. The dirt and grime begin to be washed away, we want to drag the old feelings back. We want the dirt and the yuck because that is all we have known. This is our comfort zone no matter how bad it is for us. We have become acquainted and accepting of what is no longer good for us. We kick, scream, and carry on…like a child losing what it has known all its life. We all have been there….graduating, getting married, having children, letting go of a short term or long term relationship. To be without what no longer serves leaves us feeling as if we have lost the most important part of us. In truth, it is this release that sets us apart. It allows us to open our minds, hearts, and experiences to something new and better. Something that is better suited for us.
When we finally realize it has to be done, we sometimes give up with less grace than we should, saying “Fine. Have it your way. I am tired of fighting.” When we release, wash away the grime, the dirt, the parts of us no longer serving us, giving away what we felt we needed, releasing what we felt created us, made us who we were, or rather, what we thought made us who we were, we begin to see the new parts. See what we kept hidden within. The likes, the loves, the inspiration, the part of us that we kept hidden. We are able to shine parts of us, unearth the potential for greatness, and welcome new aspects of ourselves we did not realize existed for our hindrances were keeping this closed off. The potential we are able to offer shines bright as a new shiny car. The vehicle we are able to drive, the road unknown, the speed limit limitless!
Old habits, old perceptions, old friends dictate our comfort zones, and when we release them we allow new experiences and new opportunities to mold us. Allow for new choices, new opportunities to replace the fear. The fear is sneaky, though. It hides until we are somewhat sure and confident, to surprise us. These brighter feelings are weightless, but are more optimistic for our future. Learn how to adjust and recreate your comfort zone. We all have to readjust. It is a matter of how we embrace the new that makes the difference. We climb hills and mountains every day. Making better decisions and choices. Embrace the new journey, embrace each new step. Reach the summit and look back at how you reacted. Did it serve you? Could it have been better? Did you realize what you missed or what you could have enjoyed by being more open? Did you meet new friends, share experiences or did you feel you were alone and allowed no one else in to share this with you?
Climbing to the top of a mountain allows you to learn many lessons. Some are to teach you, some to mold you, some to just check to see if you are still breathing and are alive. Some are scary, some funny, and even more are exciting. You choose your perception. You choose your reaction. Allow for the Universe to create the landscape. Allow the experience to become yet one more amazing story to inspire others. Love the way up, enjoy the view once you reach the top, but never stop inspiring to do it again.