Where Dreams Become Reality

Dreams are what some wish could one day become realities. We inspire to do great things, but somewhere along the way we get lost and caught up in other less important visions and lose our desire to achieve our dreams. A dream could be as simple as walking on a beach in California or climbing a mountain in Maine. A dream could be driving a brand new, right out of the showroom Ford Mustang, Six-Speed convertible with the radio blaring our favorite song. We can also dream of winning an Emmy or acquiring the Nobel Peace Prize for an outstanding idea or trade.
A dream is something we aspire to conquer, something we hope to achieve. Some never envision it long enough for it to become the reality it could be. We dream the vision and then reality (or what we want to deem as reality) sets in. There are the excuses of “not enough money,” or “who has the time,” or “what if I succeed? then what?” Yes. Fear is one of the prohibiting things that make what we dream not appear.
Imagine you get the call that your idea for a product saved lives and you are being nominated for a Nobel Peace Prize. How about getting a windfall that would allow you to purchase that dream car? What about the dream job you have been aspiring to do, but without any challenges. Everything you want to do all you have to do is dream. Sound crazy? It is truth if you want to b-e-l-i-e-v-e.
Believing in yourself, aspiring for greater things. Taking fear by the face and saying “I WILL DO THIS!” Walking on the scary side of life to keep yourself honest, to look in the mirror and face the fear of success. When you are ready to strong and ready to put yourself in the face of adversity, out in the open with the knowledge that failure is no longer an option. With a dream, things can materialize and become a realty but only if you allow the thought to take a life on its own.
We each grow up with dreams, aspirations, motivations. Some carry these dreams, mold them into obtainable goals, accept only Yes and the appropriate answer. They allow only themselves stand in their way (as this is their biggest obstacle), offer acceptance of only perfection, but allow for flexibility to grow their dream as they see it with more clarity of vision.
I aspire you to find your dream. View your dream. Pick up your dream and love where it will take you. Find a place in your heart to live your dream and accept only “Yes.” as your response when asked “Are you living YOUR dream?”