A Beautiful Dream
We all want to have a clear vision of what we wish to manifest. For some, it is easier and more vibrantly apparently. For others, it is hard to imagine a life that is not ordinary. For today, try to take a moment and contemplate what you don’t know. Imagine being...

Asserting Control Over Your Life
Assert control. The present situation had you befuddled. Even for a second, you may have thought it was beyond you. Beyond what you could handle. In truth, you have the ability to assert control over this very moment. You have within you the ability to take over...

Laughing At Your Fears
What has stepped into your life to cause you fear? Have you been watching too many scary movies inside your head of unfavorable possibilities? Life is bringing you some amazing possibilities. It is your fear of these possibilities that withholds you from enjoying...

Ask Your Body for a Message
Dearest Body, please help me hear your messages. Archangel Raphael, please guide me in honoring and respecting my body’s needs. Your body (or the body of the person you are inquiring about) is having a health issue because it is trying to convey a message. The body is...

Empowerment begins within. We each have empowerment within us, but it is recognizing and owning this amazing power that allows us to utilize our potential. Empowerment is being assertive, knowing we have choices and creating choices when we seem to have none. It is...

Animal Connections
Card of the Week for May 24 - 30, 2015 You have a strong connection and bond with animals. The animals instinctively respond and trust you. They can sense your compassion and understanding. These animals have come to you for help and companionship. You have an...

Card of the Week May 17 - 23, 2015 This is a message about honoring your vision. It asks you to trust the mental images you have been receiving, as they are answers to your prayers. Your prophetic visions will bring blessings to you and your loved ones. You know...

Card of the Week for May 10 -16, 2015 When this card arrives and you are drawn to it, there are many possible reasons for your attraction. You could be expecting a child in your life. It does not have to be YOU are giving birth to a child, but rather a new child is...

St. Anthony
Card of the Week for May 3 - 9, 2015 This is a message about finding something of great value, such as your life path or a lost item. St. Anthony is with us today and for the week. He asks you to have faith that you have found (or soon will find) what you have been...

Ask Your Body for a Message
Card of the Week for April 26 - May 2, 2015 Dearest Body, please help me hear your messages. Archangel Raphael, please guide me in honoring and respecting my body's needs. Your body (or the body of the person you are inquiring about) is having a health issue because...